Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What is precious to you?

Last night, I was reading an article about a former teacher of one of our son's who is fighting breast cancer. She commented that it took a blessing (cancer) for her to really realize how many people care about her and love her. WHY does that need to happen before we get it?? Before we start to treasure the people that truly make us better? Because what is precious to us has been threatened to be taken away. Why wait? Because we take people for granted and think they will always be there. I used to keep a voice message on my phone not to remind me of the day it was left (originally it was), but to remind me of the voice that left it. Who means the world to you? Why do we all have regrets after someone is gone? Because we left things undone or words unsaid. That can haunt you forever. Don't wait. I know I talk alot and share more than I should, but if this life is truly to live without regrets, then take the time you have been given and use it fully. Do not make excuses. Stop for a minute and think about who or what needs your attention RIGHT NOW?? Even if it is just 5 minutes. Do the unexpected. Because you can make someone's day with little things. Even if it is not received in the way you intended, you will have let your heart lead you and there can never be any regrets when you let that lead. Make the call you have been dreading to make. Then, you can feel better about reaching when you were unsure if someone would be at the other end. Show people that they matter to you. Send them a card or a text just to wish them to enjoy the day. Because, in a blink their life or your life can change forever without warning with no possible way to fix it. Wake up and make a point to do all you can to show them they how much they mean to you. We all need reminded from time to time to feel that our existence is important to others. That is why we love and live our lives. You are precious to others, even if they don't tell you or show it. Maybe they don't know how to tell you or how to show it. It just seems so easy...you are precious to someone.

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