Wednesday, October 27, 2010

No regrets

This is something I strived for this weekend when I went out of town with a friend to Mall of America to spend some time away and shop. For those of you that know me, I hate shopping and it was my suggestion - so she caught me at a weak moment. Anyway, in previous conversations with this friend, I have shared things with her and then once I did, I regretted it and wished I could take things back. It actually became a subject of one of our many conversations this weekend. I told her that I didn't want to regret telling her things, but I think I wanted her to know but became afraid that she might judge me differently and therefore I would be sorry that I said anything at all. I am really good at withholding information. I shared with her some things from my past that very few people know, if they even remember. But again, I have to trust that my past will not dictate her view of me just as her past will not dictate my view of her. After it is all said and done, we got to know each other better and had fun also. Our husbands may not be allowing us to take another trip like this after they see the receipts. I told her the next morning after I shared with her, that I did not have any regrets about letting her in to my past and I still felt that way today. I felt like I would never get over that hurdle, but I think I did. We should all live our lives with no regrets. What are you holding on to that you are afraid to let out, thinking that you will have regrets if you do. I know I am trying to live like about you?

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