Thursday, August 12, 2010


Do you know what this says? This is my new license plate and it is a constant reminder about what reoccuring theme has been here throughout this entire journey. This blog is titled on purpose - It Starts Today. I am reenergized about what next steps must be taken as I continue making my inner soul shine. I have given time to myself that I never took before. I reflect on those things that are most important and am much more open with people around me. I am impassioned with courage, love, and freedom like never before. As I look back at how this whole thing began, I sometimes shake my head to think, "How did I get here?" It began over 8 months ago and I have confronted and accepted some of my worst fears in the process. I have made new friends, some of which have permanently left their footprints on my heart. I have grown in my outlook on life and am happier for it. Remember, that whatever it is that you have been putting off - tell yourself that it starts today. Everyday. It shows determination and confidence in whatever you want to do. Believe in yourself and follow your gut. Be glad you did it instead of regretting later that you didn't. It will make a difference and you will be better for it.

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