Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I have to attention has been elsewhere and have needed to come back to this place. You may ask, what lead to this slight delay? As silly as it sounds, it was a scale. My goal to lose 30 pounds will be over on October 1st and for the past week, I have become more interested in what the scale said. Yes, my running started with a weight loss goal, but people were reminding me of how I needed to view a loss of even 28 pounds as a success instead of a failure. I would view that as a failure. Over the last couple of days, I have been thinking more about the journey and not the end result and why the journey itself is most important. I am reminded to "Embrace the journey" everyday because of a bracelet I wear. Yesterday, I took time to write in my journal and had not done so for over a month. I have resolved not to get back on the scale until October 1st and whatever it says, I will be happy with. Thank you for your patience and especially to those friends who just want to knock me upside the back of head sometimes. You know who you are and I am grateful everyday of your support and encouragement. It is truly unbelievable. Sometimes, we have to take time to refocus and find "balance" to make it all work. Take time to do that and it becomes so much easier. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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