Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Best Day

I am not even sure where to start, but I think the stars were aligned today. I still have a smile on my face as I think about all of the fun Rocky and I had today. When was the last time you could say that you had a great day? Are you waiting for it to come to you? It won't. You have to go get it. You have to choose to do fun, crazy things that people would just question you that you really did it. Yes, we have pictures. No, you will not see them. Even when we messed up and made fools of ourselves, we did not care who was around us or what they thought. We were "going with the flow" and having a blast. We laughed so hard at inside jokes, cold cracks, and playing tic-tac-toe. It was simply awesome. What makes you happy? What gives you a smile? Do you seek that and take time for it? YOU NEED TO!!! With life being chaotic at times, and unplanned, and with tons of responsibilites, you need to remember to have fun, even if it means you go back to your childhood when playing games like Jacks and Hopscotch was how you would spend your day. Sometimes, we have forgotten what it is like to have fun, have no fear, and just go in the moment. We must get back there at times...even momentarily. Doing so replenishes you and gives you enormous energy to tackle whatever is in front of you now. Promise yourself to take time for you and laugh, enjoy great friends, and live your life. You get one chance and you want to love it. Dig deep into your past and find those little snapshots of joyfulness and giddiness and being young at heart. We went there today and as much as I would not wish to going back to being in the 7-12 year old age bracket again, it was absolutely priceless today at 42. It was the best day I have had in a long time. Thanks, Rock.

1 comment:

Rocky said...

I honestly couldn't tell you what was the best part of the day - the playground, lunch or SkateDaze! I know I hesitated at first about climbing the rock wall, but you had faith and it was all easy after that! Putting on those roller skates felt absolutely and amazingly fun! It was a "HAPPY" day! Thanks, Mick!