Saturday, December 22, 2012

No words say much

Sometimes, the best way to communicate with someone else is not with words. It is with a hand signal, a smile, or (my favorite) a good hug. One of my new favorites is when I can "wink" at someone, but not in a flirtatious way -- more like in a "I got your back" or "I am always here" kind of way. Today, I was blessed to receive several of these non-verbal commitments. We also communicated with "numbered hand signals" just before I walked out, and in those few stolen moments of time that I was graciously given, I smiled all the way to my car. My heart was full of the love and friendship I had freely given as my heart also received the same in return. Words were also shared that reconnected us in so many ways that I feel like I am still being embraced by the arms that held me just a few shorts hours ago. Has this ever happened to you? When you sit back later and reflect on what just happened, hoping it wasn't a dream or a figment of your imagination? Perhaps the same can be said on her side as well. In fact, I would bet that she was feeling the same and hope that in a small way, I made her day better. How many words can you say without uttering one sound from your lips? Can you give someone a thumbs up when they are uncertain about something? Is looking at someone in complete silence worth the memory of just being with them? And that you both CHOOSE to be together? Have you smiled at someone who you don't know, just to receive one back? Is a friendly gesture with a wave to someone to let them move ahead of you through the long line of cars say something? Of course it does! Many times, it is ALL there is to say! I love to write and everyone knows I love to talk, but my absolute favorites are where words are never shared. When my only choice is to feel connected, even if ever so briefly, never knowing when it will be felt again but always hoping it will come soon. Through the tearing up then and the tearing up now, we know one thing because that is all that matters. “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou. I will never forget the words that we shared, and I will always remember how the lack of words made me feel today. Simply, priceless. Michelle Homme 2012 ©

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