Monday, November 29, 2010

Almost one year ago...

It is hard for me to believe that it has almost been one year since this craziness started. It is even more difficult for me to try to remember who I was back then. It seems so long ago, yet so much of me has changed during what has been a short time. To think it all started with having lunch with a friend and asking what we are meant to do with our lives. That continued with an overflowing of courage to set my heart free by allowing others to come into my life after years of shutting people out. After so many years of being afraid, I no longer am. I finally understand the saying, "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." I committed to an exercise program because a stranger asked me what I would change about myself and I gave her an honest answer. I started to feel like never before. I have let the wall come down and am very comfortable with where I am now and am willing (if not eager) to share it with others. This journey of life is now something I treasure instead of thinking that it is just a ride I am on until I am told it is time to get off. I used to question what I could not understand and wait for what I thought was inevitable. My attitude towards my destiny is much different now than it was when this all started even. It has been like I have been living my life with blinders on and am just now seeing what the world has to offer. What a fool I have been. Oh well, I cannot go back. Thank you for your input, comments, and for believing in me. I hope you are better for knowing me than you were a year ago. We are in this together and together we will continue on our journeys.

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