Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, New You

Happy New Year, everyone. I hope this finds you well as we begin a new year. Have you started on your new year's resolutions? I made a few, but since last year when I started this journey, I am not sure where these will take me. Some are goals for fitness, some are rebuilding past relationships, and others are about where my passion is leading me. This blog has always had the theme of "It Starts Today" and yet we only really sit down to begin something new around the first of Janaury, like it is a "magical" day or something. But you can start anything on any day! It does not have to be related to the day and month on the calendar. We can begin a new at any time because we have control over that and can make changes all of the time. Old habits are hard to break - especially those that have been around for many years, and even decades. I am a perfect example of that. We can start new and fresh at any time - we just have to be willing to work for it and accept that those things worth working for are not going to happen over night. We did not get where we are over night, so how can we expect the solution over night? That is being unrealistic and therefore, setting us up for absolute failure. What do you want to be different about this next year? Do you want to start a new career? Learn to play the piano? Build relationships in your community? Give more time to your church? Excuses are easy to find and everyone has them, so they are nothing new or personal to you. I have tried to plant the seeds so that you can take whatever you will from these posts and try to make changes in your life for the better. I started this blog for me, and someone suggested I share it. Never, in wildest dreams did I ever think I would be where I am today after a year of this journey. My dad pointed out in a recent card that because I have never taken the easy road, I may have forgotten to see the rewards of my endeavors that I encountered along the way. Whether your road has been easy or tough, it is yours. But the past is the past and will forever be an anchor and until you pull it up, you will never be able to sail towards your future. Start the New Year with a New You - you won't regret it. I promise you.

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