Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The power to inspire

I am a humble, giving woman who does not like the spotlight. One of my sons relishes being the center of attention, but only when he performs on stage. Me? Not so much. However, because of recent signs I am noticing and admitting that exist and due to comments made by others, I also feel that this blog is a gift to you. I am a better giver than receiver so I have to look at it this way. I read once that if we don't give the world our true selves, then we do a disservice to the world because we were created to be all we can in the world. When we harbor and keep our gifts a secret, then they are not really gifts. Nothing that is never given can be called a gift - you have to give it away. I love to write (and those that know me, to talk also) and believe we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Last year, I asked "What do I bring to the table?" This blog is a portion of what I bring to the table. In order for me to move forward, I have to give myself credit where it is due. I don't like compliments, but am learning on how to accept them and say a simple, "Thank you." I am truly humbled when people latch onto something I said and then take that to motivate them to make changes in their lives. I am just me, doing what I do for me, but in the long run, maybe I can inspire you to be better. Maybe you read this because you get a laugh about how crazy my life is and you appreciate your sane life even more. I hope that you feel inspired to do what you feel needs to be done - follow your heart and live your life. It is the one gift everyone can afford to give everyone else, but you have to give it away.

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