Saturday, January 15, 2011

We all need a "Mick" in our lives

This reference has to do with Burgess Meredith's role as Mick in the Rocky movies. Between my running partner and me, she is Rocky and I am Mick - I gave us those names early on mostly because she was in better shape than I was. Even though that might be different now (she might not like that I said that, but she would say I am being honest), she is still Rocky and I am still Mick. But Mick represents what we all need in our lives. Mick is the person in YOUR corner, cheering you on, encouraging you to do more than you ever thought you could. EVERY ONE of us needs a Mick and sometimes we have more than one. Sometimes, we have people in our corner, but we never knew they were there. The stage is different, but doesn't the "fight" seem easier when you know you have someone who is on your side? On your side til the very end? That means it is not all on us and what we have to deal with is shared, making our load less. Now, here is the tricky part - if you have a Mick or two in your lives, do you let them be your Micks? It is hard to share our troubles with others if we think they are ours alone, and perhaps feel that we do not want to burden them. I think the more we allow others to take, the more it always seems less. Remember, it's their choice to choose to take it. Plus, our Micks feel appreciated and gets them thinking about someone else too. We take turns being the Rocky and the Mick. I know what my Micks bring to me and I am grateful for them every day - maybe more than they realize. Sometimes, I question if what I do (as a Mick) is enough for those that need me in that capacity. But I trust that if they needed more, then they would ask for more, knowing full well they would get it. I read once that one friend said to another, "I will be whatever you need for as long as you need it because you need it." Not everyone can be Rocky all the time, but we all are Rocky at one time or another. Just remember, that every time you are Rocky, there is ALWAYS a Mick in your corner - believing in you, rooting for you, loving you, and making you better in every way. When you get knocked down and think you are done, your "Mick" will be there for you. The power of someone believing in you, without a doubt, can be overwhelming and catapult you into new ventures and places you never thought you would go. I am a perfect example of that - Rocky has always encouraged me and believed in me and because of that she is an awesome Mick. The best part is that I have always believed in her and encouraged her to do what makes her heart soar also. That is what makes a great, unbeatable team. Just like the real Rocky and Mick.

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