Monday, January 10, 2011


What is your perspective on your current situation and about where you really want to be? I did not have a good day today and was chatting with a girl from work and she kept telling me that our perspective is what we can change, even if nothing else does. My perspective has changed from where it was a year ago, that is for sure. There are some days that my perspective is not where it should be or where I know it needs to be. When I question why this is different than it was 5 years ago or longer, I usually cannot find an answer that is easy nor is it one that I can agree with. It is unfortunate that we have to learn it this way...because I would have loved to know then what I know now. As I start to look at things in the bigger picture, I have realized that my perspective is always what has defined me and my attitude towards the circumstances that were present at the time. My childhood was not normal in that every two to three years, it changed so just when I got used to it being normal, it would change again. This happened for 14 years until I got married. Even when good things were given to me, I shied away from that positive attention because I had never felt comfortable with it. Still don't. My perspective was always that I questioned my worth, and why was I worth it now, but not then? Maybe that is why I question so much - even if I am given a worthwhile and very convincing statement as to why it makes sense, I would still look at it from my perspective. I don't think it is because I naturally want things to be negative, but have always viewed it way. That was normal. When I was younger, I had a negative perspective. Now, I am different and my perspective is more positive and suprisingly enough, more me. I work less at it as it seems to come so effortlessly. Today, I was asked by a co-worker, "Why don't I think what I have to say or write resonates with anyone?" I don't expect it to, but am am humbled if it does. I am hoping I can help you change your perspective as you travel your road of life, because I believe that we all need encouragement, inspiration, and a feeling that it can be better than it was. We have to believe that, don't we? It is all in our perspective.

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