Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Life is a puzzle

I don't know why, but this came to me today. Life is a puzzle. See if you can follow where my head is maybe it will make sense. In front of us lays our life - but it is all scrambled and mixed up, so we have to put it together. We use the 4 corners of the puzzle to build our foundation. Sometimes our 4 corners are different from each other, but here are my 4 - God, family and friends, love, attitude. Without those 4 (ok, maybe I cheated with 5), nothing in the middle matters. It is very difficult to put the puzzle together without having the border in place. No one I know works on a puzzle from the middle out. But we cheat when we do puzzles, don't we? We look at the picture on the box to help guide us to where things go, but we don't have that for real life. We kind of have to figure it out as we go along. We learn what pieces go together really easily, like they were made for each other. And we learn which ones, no matter how much we try and believe that they should go together, just don't. As we put more of the puzzle together, we start to see how the picture is going to lay out. We connect more like colors and shapes so that one or two pieces become five and so on. We start to see the way groups of five pieces will connect with another group of five to make it more clearer to us to become a group of ten. The next thing you know, you are putting that group of ten in a corner or along the border to really show you what the picture is supposed to be. Even though in life, we don't have a box to look at, at some point, you know what the picture is supposed to be. Are you there yet in your life? Have you put enough pieces together to know what your life is supposed to be? Have you trusted the picture before you so that you have asked the question, and are willing to accept the answer? You will reach a point...we all do...when we know. Without a doubt, you know. It is further than hope; it is further than trust; it is further than believe. You know. What does your picture look like? Know that even when you think you know what it looks like, it can change. That is why we can never, ever finally put the last piece in and say, "We are done with the puzzle." Some people will be in your life to help you find where one or two pieces go here and there, but ultimately, it is your puzzle. You have to put it together. Only you know where everything goes, even when you think you don't. You know. It is just a matter of time. Take advantage of every minute you have.

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