Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What we stumble through...

How many times have you done that? Stumbled your clumsy way through something, hoping and praying it would be over and your biggest worry is that you hope no one sees you? Here is the little secret...we all stumble. We all lose our balance and are just doing everything we can to just not fall. It is a simple check to make sure you are paying attention. Are you paying attention? I think I stumbled through life hoping no one would see me. Ever. I wanted to just blend in, slide under the radar, and coast free with no big to do. I was successful for a good number of years. Even when I got a little attention for something good, I ran in the opposite direction. I even stumbled through praise and honors because it made me feel uncomfortable. I am still working on this every day. I am not sure that it will ever get easier, but I am getting better at it. The stumbles we take can be significant by themselves or a couple lumped together can mean something too. We are not perfect and no one should expect us to be. The best part of stumbling is knowing that someone is there...just in help you catch your balance and go on your way. I was reminded this week of something else that Rock and I believe this about each other. Where she is weak, I am strong. Where I am weak, she is strong. We stumble together through this life, not really sure what is going to happen next, but I am forever thankful she is there when I stumble. She knows I am here when she stumbles. It is all good.

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