Saturday, July 2, 2011

I don't get it

Sometimes, we make things harder on ourselves than it needs to be. I don't get why we do that. Sometimes, people that we love the most can say the most hurtful things. I don't get why they do that. Sometimes, things aren't that complicated. I don't get why people make it so. Sometimes, people are mean and jealous of others. I don't get that wasted time and effort. Sometimes, people change their minds. I don't get how you think I knew that. Sometimes, people look for something to catch you on. I don't get why pointing out mistakes is a good thing. Sometimes, people can look you in the eye and lie to you. I don't get dishonesty. Sometimes, people need to stand up to bullies and put them in their place. I don't get why people don't tell others when they are wrong. There are many more...I sit here shaking my head because of these scenarios seem dumb and a waste of life itself. I had a really nice conversation with a young man yesterday and he has made some bad choices in his life, yet he seems to be understanding of what will come his way because he has accepted responsibility for his actions. He is not making excuses or blaming others. He is being a man. Way to go, KT, I am proud of you. Why is it so hard being the kind of people we really want to be? Yes, I already answered my own question - because it is DIFFICULT! Sometimes, we have our own agenda because we need to take of us - I get that - but not all the time. I tell people that I am here to serve and some of the people that I work with are surprised by that but it is the truth. I am here to serve not just at work, but in my family, with my friends, at my church, in this world. I am built that way. There are takers and givers in this world - which one are you? If you are a taker, do you want to give more? Are you unsure of how to go about making that change? Start little, but it starts with you and your heart. Take "you" off the agenda and put others first. It is amazing what you get back. It will fill your heart with such joy, that you will never want to be a taker again. All of the things I mention above are choices that people make and I will never understand most of them. But it has to change. We want it to change. We have to work at it and never give up. We get frustrated when we feel like we fail at something we are trying to be, so we want to throw in the towel and walk away. "Running is easy...staying is hard." But what if we keep trying to be something that we are? That I get.

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