Thursday, July 14, 2011

Riding the wave!!!!!

Yes, I am from Southern, I cannot surf. I was riding the wave yesterday and I told KD that when we were at lunch. More open...more accepting of whatever comes my way, even if I did not ask for it. The day started with me almost skipping a little when Rocky and I got started with our daily ("don't know what I would do without it") routine. She just smiled and laughed and wondered why I had so much energy at 5am. Don't you feel like skipping at 5am? We talk about our previous day and get caught up and then I do more skipping because I tell her about something that has me very excited and it was not something I initially set out to do. But there seems to be a need for it and women are drawn to it and because of that in itself, it tells me it is right. Deep down to my soul...that this is part of what I must do. I have only one choice...I cannot go back and cannot stand still. Therefore, my one choice it to move forward. ALWAYS. I felt like I was riding a wave all day - no fear, being me, letting my heart be seen by more people. I don't even realize when I do it. When something comes so naturally to you that you don't think about it, you are following your instinct. You are doing what you were made to do. It has always amazed me how much stronger and courageous I feel when I am doing something that is not outer-driven, but inner-driven. I don't focus on the negative, what if's. When you are sitting on the crest of your wave and you are in the groove, you KNOW it. You shine. You BLOOM!! Most times, I do not realize it when I am doing it. People will tell me afterwards. Look deep...really deep and ask yourself the best question ever asked of me: "What would I change in my life if I could change one thing?" What do you want to do with your one shot at life? When are you going to believe that you can change your life? Your past is just the past. Let it go. Look towards your future by changing your today. It will be worth it and you can say, "I did that!" You will tumble and you will also stand taller than you ever stood before. You will reach for others that you think will be there and those you never thought of will be the ones to catch you. Life is a ride...a adventure. You will smile more and be more happy with who you are. You will turn heads and people will wonder how they can get what you have. You cannot buy it in the store and I don't have the magic formula or secret mantra. I have ALWAYS said that it starts with you and it starts today. When does your TODAY begin? No excuses. None. Ever. Be a California girl and RIDE YOUR WAVE!!!

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