Monday, October 24, 2011

Looking for magic

Do you look for magic? I used to never think that magic would find its way to my doorstep. Wasn't going to happen. Wasn't meant to be. Not for this girl. Then, something happened and I cannot fully explain or understand it myself. Magic entered my life in many different forms, through different people, in ways I never thought possible. Even when I tried to comprehend what I was seeing and feeling, I doubted it. I had to, didn't I? Now, I see it everywhere. I see it in a husband who tells his wife, "I missed you today." I see it in a father who holds his young daughter's hand as they cross the street. I feel it when someone thinks of me and shows it in the smallest of ways. Magic is everywhere and it casts its glitter and makes me believe in the goodness of people and the love people can show each other. Magic is in a sweet goodnight from a teenage son to his mother. Magic is when we allow the pleasures of others to be more important that whatever we want for ourselves. It is there when I see a uniformed soldier whoe serves our country so proudly. Have you looked for magic today? Will you look for it tomorrow? Magic is two friends stopping by, unannounced to visit a third friend on the same day. Magic makes us wonder and encourages us to believe that all things are possible. That we can make things fun and love life. Make your life magical. Do you believe in magic? (Yes, that is a song.) Look for it. It is there.

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