Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My own little world

My own little world used to consist of a few people. My immediate family, my not so immediate family, some co-workers, maybe an acquaintance here and there, a neighbor, etc. Not any more. My little world does not seem so little anymore. It is bigger than I can even imagine. When we focus on ourselves or not even that, maybe just not on anyone else, we keep a safe distance from being engaged in life. We are safe and cannot be hurt - I have a son that reminds me of this many times as he just doesn't give himself many chances at loving at what is in front of him. Do you know people like that? Are you one of those people? As I began to open up my arms and allow the world to come to me, I reached back. It became one of the strongest feelings when I HAD to reach back. There was no other choice. It wasn't like I just started forgetting about me, but I became more focused on others. I said "hello" to people I had never met before. I invited others to lunch. I took chances on myself. I said what I felt when I felt it. Sometimes, I forget why I am here and I wander a little bit. Someone told me recently that when I get that way, that she just has to give me space and time and eventually, I get back where I need to be. My heart is someplace new and my world consists of new places and people. It consists of you and because of that alone, we will always be connected. That makes my own little world much bigger, but also makes it more of the way it should be.

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