Wednesday, November 2, 2011

All we ever hoped for...

Have you ever hoped for something, not even really sure that it will come and when it does, that it is actually more than you ever thought it could be? I remember when my husband was first thinking about moving us from Southern California to Nebraska and what that life-changing event would be for me. I mean, I seriously could not tell you where Nebraska was on the map. So, I recall making a pro-con list to help me see the things that would affect my decision and how my life would play out. The con list had many things on it - the weather, away from family, no friends, no job, the list went on. Then, I looked at the pro side of the list - other than my husband's name, I could not find anything else that would be good about this move, because I did not have any good "for sures" about moving. But we did. We moved in January, I was 4 months pregnant, and Mike travelled 3 weeks of every month. I knew no one. I was homesick and could only clean a one-bedroom apartment so many times, you know? As I reflect on those days now and think about where I am now, I have more than I ever could have hoped for. My life has not been perfect by any means, and I have made my share of mistakes. But I have a husband who loves me, three wonderful sons, a job, a place to live, a little money, and people that love me. I have a dream (thanks, MLK Jr) that I am following and listening to and letting my heart be my guide for the first time in my life. I have this blog and readers from across the globe that allows me to express myself in such a simple way. Friends have come out of the woodworks as I have let the world see more of me - the true me - in more every day aspects of my life. I give to those around me and love every minute of it. I have a Rock - who is there unconditionally and I cannot imagine her not being here as she helps me be better every day. I have you - whoever you are - and the aspiration to give more and make a difference in people's lives. This life (so far) has not been what I hoped has been so, so much more. What have you hoped for? Has it comes true? Why or why not? And it continues.

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