Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Have courage

Find it deep within you, to do something or say something that is difficult...even if it is just difficult for you. If it is something you don't normally do, like sing in front of family for a game you are playing. Yes, I did that this weekend and even though it was scary (I mean, my youngest son who does show choir in front of hundreds of people couldn't do it), I tried to not let my fears control the moment and just enjoy it. Being brave doesn't have to be something huge. It can mean reaching to someone that you have lost contact with for a while. It can mean saying something that is difficult for you, because it has been that way your entire life. Don't let excuses and "because I have always done it that way" rule what you don't do. You just give yourself an out because it is easier. You justify to yourself that you are willing to accept what you currently have because doing something different might mean you have to do something different. I had so many walls up before and I know there are family members that read this from time to time. I also know that they see more of me, or at least get an small inkling of the thoughts in my head. Start something new today that you really want to do or at least try. Sometimes, situations can make sense to us logically, but emotionally they don't. More often than anything, the emotion sides don't make sense because it is not something we want. Reasons are understandable and feelings are not. I understand why Rocky doesn't come anymore to run, but I wish she did. What scares you? Calling an old friend that maybe you wronged in some way? Trying something new that no one would understand why you want to do it? Asking someone for help? Telling someone you love that you need them in your life? Be brave today. Even if you don't know how it will turn out, don't live with the regret of doing nothing. If you want something different, do something differnt. A swimming pool will still be a swimming pool, even if you don't maintain it. Don't let fear win over doing what your hear tells you to do. Put logic aside for a moment...get off the easy road...and listen. With the adrenalin flowing and the sound of your heart pounding, have courage today. Conquering Obstacles Under Remarkable And Gutsy Environments.

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