Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Expectation and Disappointment

There is no one in this world that has not had both of these in their lives at one time or another. Expectation is what comes before and sometimes, there is disappointment after. Whether it is trying out for a select baseball team that you don't make because your skills don't match the quality of the team. Whether is the job you interview for and walking out thinking you nailed it, but you didn't. Whether it is the washing machine that just stops before the spin cycle so you have to wring out your clothes. Whether it is the hours we spend exercising at the gym only to find out we lost 2 pounds. Whether it is words not said or deeds left undone. It can be very difficult not to have some expectations, isn't it? How do you completely have none? We have expectation because something is desired and wanted from the action we are taking. Or we place those expectations on somethone else, and they don't even know it. We are hoping for our desired outcome. But, as we all know, at times, disappointment comes instead. When our sails seem to deflate and we lower our head just a bit and everyone seems to know what that looks like. Some people carry disappointment with them for a very long time and it becomes a part of their heart. But disappointment hurts, but we control how long it hurts. Excuses become reasons for everything. We have all been there. So, if there are expectations that you have, try to let go of them. I know it's hard. "It will happen as it is meant to happen." When you get disappointed, try to let go of that as quickly as you can too. Everything happens for a reason. Work on being a better baseball player...figure out what you could've done so you get the next job...maybe you get a new washer out of it...try a different exercise and see if that changes things...forgive those for the words or deeds they have forgotten. We all share these same moments in our life and need to remember that like most things, they will come and go. HAPPY FUN DIP WEDNESDAY!

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