Sunday, December 11, 2011

That thing you do

Nothing makes me happier than watching people do their thing. I love to watch my husband coach baseball. He loves it and he BLOOMS when he does it --for those of you that know him, please do not tell I said that. He doesn't read this so I know I am ok to post this here. I love to watch our middle son play the guitar; I love to watch our oldest show off his nursing skills and play baseball; and I love to watch our youngest son playing his sports and singing in show choir. Have you ever really seen people you love DOING THAT THING THEY DO?? Isn't is awesome?!? Watching other people shine is FANTABULOUS!! I love watching my sisters tend to their kids; I love watching Rock help others with their fashion sense. And I get to be a part of it. I could sit back and watch people do their thing all day. I forget when I am doing that thing I do, because it comes so naturally that I don't even realize it. What is that thing you do? Have you found it yet? Have you started looking? It is not difficult to find it, because you just have to answer some questions and then it happens. Without any warning, it comes to you and you know it is right. Because through all of the struggles, you still pick it because it is YOU. I did not know what my "thing" was until I was asked the question by you know who. Then, I had to answer it and not just say the words, but actually figure out what to do about it. I needed to tap into what I knew, what I thought would work, and most of the time, I threw my hands up in the air and just let things fall into place as they were meant to. That was really hard for me -- still is. I am used to trying to control things and when I can't, it feels like I am on the "teacups" spinning out of control. But when I am in the "zone", everything takes care of itself, even if I didn't plan it that way. You just never know when doing your thing inspires others to do their thing and so on and so on. So...DO THAT THING YOU DO!!!

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