Saturday, December 3, 2011

Right at this moment

Right now. Where are you? What decision have you made for your future RIGHT NOW? It may be wrong tomorrow, but RIGHT NOW, it is right. You feel it, right? When you choose, you are not derailed by thoughts of failure and details of doubt. You are so confident that Superman couldn't stop you. It doesn't mean you can't change your mind ever. Yes, this is your out. Because RIGHT NOW this decision or committment is here. Nothing can change that. Have you ever had to make a decision in the blink of any eye and then only after you have had time to really process it, do you wonder how that all happened? Right now, this is what I offer you...keep reaching for your something different...go out of your way to make a difference in someone else's life...right now. I am still amazed at how something I said or did that seems so insignificant to me can make the world of difference to another person. Right at this moment, I am thinking about so many things I want to say about where I am headed next and really have no clue on how to get there. I don't have to have the answers now...but I have to continue to look for them. Sometimes, even if I don't want them to come, they still do. That tells me something that I have to listen to and pay attention. Right now, I am getting tired and have lots to do tomorrow. Be safe and I will see you soon.

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