Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Almost doesn't count

How many times have we said, "We almost had it" or something like it. Guess what? Almost doesn't count. Yes, you tried. No, you were not successful. Try again. And again. What are you trying to achieve? What are willing to do to get there? Have you done the same thing over and over with the same results? Then do something different! "I almost hit a home run." "I almost got an A on my paper." "I almost cahnged the lives of many." I have said it before...don't ever give up. You can change anything you want to change and therefore, the world as we know it can be changed. Almost is not an option and never should be a reason as to why you cannot do more. What have you "almost" done lately? Don't you want to say you "did it?" Finish a project that you have been working on for months. I need to get back into my scrapbooking so that all of the pictures I have printed (and have yet to be printed) have their place. That is my goal this winter...to spend more time to scrapbooking. When my next son graduates from high school in 2 1/2 years, I want to have his scrapbook ready for his party. I need to get started now. Tackle your "almosts" and move them out of that column. Make them a part of the "done" pile so then you can say, "Almost doesn't coount."

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