Saturday, December 31, 2011

When you transform

At Thursday night's meeting of the G.I.F.T., I was talking about reflection and asking the women if 2011 went the way they thought it would. I mention that I change every day and my co-worker, DM, mentioned to the group that, "Homme has changed a lot" and she has known me for over 4 years, so she has probably seen me change quite a bit. I have transforme and continue to each and every day. I never know what the new day will bring to me but I have to embrace each word said, each deed completed, and each person met as they all serve some significance in my life. Sometimes, I do not know what their meaning is at the time that I encounter them, but at some point, I will understand and know. Have you ever transformed or seen someone else transform? People have not only seen my attitude towards life change, but also noticed when my body changed with daily exercise. Sometimes, out changes are so suttle that we think no one will ever notice. I love that...not being noticed and have tried to blend into the background for most of my life. Even when I knew I couldn't, I felt uncomfortable for the attention that came my way. When I see others transform, that is one of my greatest joys. Not because I may or may not have had anything to do with it, but when they transform for good and the light seems to go on. I told SM the other day that she was the best and she replied that she is getting better. She is trying to be better, even if no one notices. SM - I notice. We all change for reasons and need to make sure that we notice those around us that we care about and love. Take the time to mention the changes you may be the one person who pays attention that makes all the difference.

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