Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What's in your dream box?

Where are your dreams? Are they tucked safely away in a box, full of clippings, articles, books, or other reminders of where you want to go? Maybe it is safely hidden under your bed or someplace even safer...in your mind, where no one will ever find it. Guess what? We all have them. Some of us have taken steps to pursue those dreams and others are still waiting...what you we waiting for? For some reason, Walt Disney comes to mind right now. His vision for seeing something for families to enjoy probably is nothing like what we know as the Disney corporation today. What do you dream about? For months, I have been encouraging the women of the G.I.F.T. to look deep to find their dreams. I am not sure if they actually do their "homework", but if anything they might look at life differently and I have planted the seed that one day may grow. They help me pursue my dreams as I shared with them last night some exciting news that occurred during the week. Here is what I have learned about my dream box...I thought I knew exactly what I had put in it so long ago. I had it hidden so well, that I had difficulty finding it. Then when I did, dusting it off and pulling out those items and beliefs was more like extracting things from a time capsule that had been buried 50 years ago. It was hard for me to accept that my heart wasn't there anymore and the things that I thought I wanted were no longer inportant to me. I had to let them go. That in itself can free you to the possibility of new dreams. In August of 2010, I shared my dream with Rock. Over the last year and half, I have taken some steps to make that dream a reality and continue to do so every day. There is a picture in my office that reads, "Create your own dreams and you create passion. Create dreams in others and you create heaven." I am doing both. My dream box is filled with different ideas, thoughts, and places I see myself in my future. My dream box will not be placed back under the bed to be forgotten and collect dust and spider webs. It is a living part of me, that I could never tuck away again, even in my mind. It must be shared. So again I ask you, what's in your dream box?

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